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Higher rank on search engines is key to discovery and conversions.

April 19, 2022        7 mins read

There are several avenues to get leads but none are as powerful as the most popular search engine Google. Getting a high ranked listing on Google can make the difference between brands winning leads or remaining barren digital spaces on the internet.

Mastering SEO is one sure way of generating strong intent based leads and giving brands a real shot at converting these leads to sales. As most of us would know, SEO stands for search engine optimization, a digital mechanism which helps digital businesses or creators rank up in the top of the search engine when searched for specific and relevant keywords. The main focus of SEO is to rank pages higher on those search results that appear organically on the search engine result pages or SERPs. Their results are free from the influences of the various advertisements that appear on these search engine result pages or SERPs.

Now there are several best practices in order to secure a relatively good ranking and become easily accessible to people when people search for the same.
The several strategies are as follows:

Creation of a website:

The first and foremost step is to build a website. It is the centrepiece to your SEO strategy. Without one there is no real way to benefit from your SEO efforts. You will be able to launch your business online with the help of a finely developed website.

Hence, investments in the form of content, visuals, graphics and domains are a must in order to create a good website.
This website will create a window for you and your business and will help you bring in more and more customers for your services.
Thus, apart from helping your business grow, it will also help you draw a huge traffic to your website.

" A frequent, relevant and smart use of keywords:

The Secret Sauce "

A frequent, relevant and smart use of keywords (the secret sauce):
The right usage of keywords is another important input, however, this method is very old school now and moreover, search engines today have become more adaptive and smarter in reading and understanding the actual context of the content. So apart from using frequent and relevant keywords, the business websites or the creators shall also shift their focus and increase the use of long-tail keywords. These have shown better results and have increased or have helped pull a lot of audience by the organic traffic.

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This method has helped websites rank more than those who still continue to practise the traditional or old way by using relatively relevant keywords very frequently.

Delivering the right and good quality of content:

Tricks and tips in SEO can definitely help you gather audiences in masses. However, the quality of your content is an important component of your website which will help sustain the page ranking.

The content in your website is the digital reflection of your business and its services. You can describe your business and your services with the help of this content that would be displayed on your website.

The search engines will help guide the traffic and the audience to find your website through the suitable and relevant keywords present in your content and will help them find the right platform which will provide them with the right services. One shall always create their website’s content on the basis of their businesses’ and services' principles and thereby, by understanding the needs of the people and also their target audience who would choose to visit their website and take their services.

Keeping a limit to the content and pages:

With the digitally and technically fast growing world, there’s a very small percentage of people who would actually give in a lot of their time to read long pages of content on your website. The more information restricted and precise you keep your content as, the more it would be liked and chosen by the audience over other competitors in the market.

Make it device friendly:

This point would actually sound better as a tip for a good website creation. However, it is very much important for the website creators, designers and developers to have an insight of the kind of comfort their audiences would like to see and have when they come to their website. Now-a-days, mobile is the most commonly used device and the majority of the audience makes their maximum searches on their handset itself.

Hence the creators and the developers shall design their website such that it would be set easily in the frame of a regular mobile phone and make all the keys, buttons, or options accessible to the smart phone using the audience.

The use of backlinks :
Very Important factor in SERP

Backlines are one of the most effective ways to make your site reach a huge number of audiences. Backlinks are actually links that are created when we link one website in the reference of the other. Backlinks are one of the best sources for drawing a large number of audience or trafic. The smart usage and adding of backlinks can help websites grow and reach most of their target audience.

Get your business to be more socially active:

Apart from building a website, also look forward to taking your business and products to various kinds of social platforms like facebook, instagram, etc.

Billions of people visit such platforms every second. Hence, these platforms would have a very crucial role in increasing the traffic on your website. These platforms will also help people recognize and reach your product or services.

Keep improving:

The demand of people increases and changes everyday with the increase and development of ideas and technologies.

Hence you shall always keep a track of the responses that come from people about your services or product and your website is the best place where you can get all these datas from.

Keep checking the insights of your website, like, how many people are visiting it in a day, hour, and minute. Keep a track of it for a good period and compare, whether it is growing or decreasing. Make changes and improve the quality of the existing website on that basis .

SEO is a marathon, not a sprint:

Success certainly wouldn’t come knocking at your doors very soon. As you launch/improve your website, Google will index your website and keep assessing your audience and backlinks.

You will slowly start seeing improvements on your page ranking and if you have taken the right actions, you will ultimately see your rank on first page or perhaps top of page for your most important keywords. Be patient and keep on improving everyday. Research and compare yourself with the rest of the competitors and learn from them. Understand the needs of your target audience and make necessary changes to your website or services.

ClickIQ team provides you with all the critical components that will lead to conversions from your website. Right from building an SEO optimised website to researching your competitors and keywords for further optimization, to building backlinks. With the right set of tools, technology, and team you have an immense opportunity to win at SEO and grow your business by 10x that current state.

Get in touch with us for a free consultation and free set-up of SEO.

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